Saturday, August 17, 2013

Women of Today: Free or oppressed?... An Introduction!

Life is good, life is bad,
What you ask for is all you get!  

…is what I always believed in and fortunately have experienced as well. However, my recent encounters with some women have forced me to change my belief. For one will never ask for an unfortunate life or an unkind family; but they still get to be in it.

In this age, women have proved themselves to be powerful in every aspect and can do everything that was once tagged as tasks out of their arena. They manage businesses, operate organizations, drive cars, fly planes, defend our country, provide employment for others, fight against all odds, and of course, take care of their families too.

Rural areas are neither left behind. With the advent of technology, women in tier 3 (and beyond) cities and towns, have discovered the advantages of being economically independent. Unlike the generation, where women worked only to pass time till they were married off in dowry-hungry families or to earn and support their families, now they work for their satisfaction and independence.

They have come a long way in assuming this role of home-maker and understanding the difference between a job and a career.

If we try to picture it together, we see a collage of strong and powerful women, who dream, aspire to achieve their dreams, inspire others in the process as well... and succeed in realizing their goals. A bright and beautifully colored collage isn't it!

However, take a close look and you will see a great difference in the picture painted with the real one. In some parts of the collage are those women who endure a lot of pain and sufferings for their families or even because of their families. All I wonder is why?

Here’s a working woman, who is married and has kids. She earns enough to take care of herself and her children, yet is staying with her husband and in-laws who do nothing good but mentally harass her. She cries almost every day and is still not willing to stay away from them? WHY?

I came across another intelligent lady with problems quite similar to the one above. She finally had to use divorce as a tool after seven years of marriage to find some peace. Neither did divorce happen nor she could find peace. Yes, she is still stuck with her family, though she knows there will be no better tomorrow. WHY?

These are just two of the many real life stories I plan to share for six weeks. These women, who wish to achieve their goals are blocked by their own weakness rather willingness. WHY?

When I think of them, I am surrounded with questions, questions and lots of them. No answers at all. Can you help me find the answers???


Picture courtesy: Google

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